20 Ekim 2019 Pazar

Change Your Education Style!

Have you ever taught about how education could be differently? 

        For example, we live in age of technology so, e- learning is very popular. We have lots of examples like that. I want to introduce something which. Actually, it is about how can we make education more attractive and fun. If you have played before Sims, this event that you can understand immediately. This is a game application which called “Second life”. You can create your own character even you can be whatever you want such as a cat, panda etc. You can add your friends, or you can meet new people. You can go wherever you want, you can fly. So, what does this application related to education? There are some virtual classes here. You can join some classes. These students are can be all over the world. There is a teacher in here also. You can join a class when you are laying on your bed. I was really surprised because it was really new thing for me. Maybe I couldn’t imagine something like this fifteen years ago.I opened an account from Second Life. I created my character (also called avatar). Nowadays, students spend most of their times in online. So, it is the really useful for them. There are lots of advantages to using this method. One of the advantages, you can talk without hesitate because nobody can see you. We should begin to use new methods to advance education. It must be beyond traditional class processing. A few years from now, we cannot know how education will develop. So, we should start now. How about joining this innovation and opening an account? Maybe we can talk thanks to Second Life. 

See you soon 😊

This is the link of second life:  https://secondlife.com

14 Ekim 2019 Pazartesi


        Hello. I'm Sude Gündüz.I'm studying English Language Teaching in Istanbul Medipol University. I'm both student and teacher. In this blog, I will share my experiences and what I learned about how can we make education more permanent and fun or how can we make awareness about language learning. 

Thank you in advance.💛