29 Temmuz 2020 Çarşamba


Hello Everyone,

          I know, I took a long break but, I was in online education, and this process is still going on both as a student and as a teacher. As a student, I can say that; it was necessary for this term, but I cannot say, it was as effective as face to face education. It was distracting, or we were not ready for online education. In the beginning, almost every student encountered some problems such as connection, their accounts, microphone, camera, etc. Also, for many students, it was difficult to do this disciplined way, especially for adolescents. 

         As a student, I did not encounter any problem, but I cannot say the same thing as a teacher. I did my classes with young learners, adolescents, and adults. I observed them well in that term, but this online education is not as easy as we think. I felt I had to connect the students to the lesson, especially for young learners because in this period, this situation was most difficult for them. They could not go to their school, they could not take their school report, even they could not go out. They are a very important period because they can learn very fast also, they are very hyperactive and curious. Trying to learn something in one room and front of a screen was not effective for them. So, you should use lots of sources. These sources should be colorful and audial. They can affect everything in their houses such as their siblings’ sound or parents etc. In this situation, parents have some duties like providing a silent and inconspicuous room. They should not bother their kids. This term was not easy for them, too. Also, we are in summer, every kid wants to play a game or travel somewhere. Both teachers and parents should not force them but at the same time, we should help them about their responsibilities. 

     Adolescents who are in the period of discovering themselves were not participants because they were not aware of these situations. Even if, this situation affected their university entrance exam results in Turkey. This Covid19 was already difficult for them because some students were ill, or some students lost their relatives because of illness. Their education was incomplete, they tried to complete by themselves or with their online learning, besides, every student did not chance to take online education. They were worried about exam conditions. In this period when they are experiencing their feelings intensely, they encountered these problems. I hope that all of them passed the exam and they reach their dreams. 

     On the other hand, for adults, this term was easier than young learners and adolescents. Adults are more interested and enthusiastic about attending class because they know their responsibilities. they are more willing to learn. So, we did not have any problems with them. At the end of the term, I asked to my every student. Which would you prefer? Online education of face to face education? Undoubtedly, most of them said face to face education. Both as a student and a teacher, I do not have any idea about what we will do about the next education term. Are we going to continue with online or face to face education? I can not say anything about this topic, but I am sure that teachers should improve themselves about online education. I think we understood the importance of using technology in our classes. We used lots of education sites, especially I used Quizlet so much in my classes. Which type of educational sites did you use this online education term?

You can check my previous posts about that also, you can write your comments and suggestions to me.

I wish everyone a nice and healthy summer.

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