4 Aralık 2019 Çarşamba

What is MOODLE?

         We are live in technology era. In that way, we are using technology in every area of our lives especially in education. Recently, many alternatives for education emerged. Now, not only schools provide education, but also wherever we want it can be an educational area for us. An important example of this is MOODLE. Moodle is an acronym for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment”. So, what is MOODLE and how can we use?

         Moodle distance education system is used. 235 countries and is available in 82 languages.  If you want, you can choose all languages at the same time, you can choose one language. It has a big share in education sector. Moodle is free.  The most important feature is the availability by everyone especially for students and teachers. Most of students think very useful and accessible system.

         Moodle’s main goal is to provide a good helper tool for improving teaching, but also for everyone provides fast and easy information. Teachers are not only using this just for distance education but also, they are using in the classrooms. Also, it is a system that improves themselves day by day with feedback received from everyone.

          As it is clear from the first letter, there are many modules in this system. First one is homework module. Homework Module collecting and grading assignments and other activities given to students for teachers. Students can upload their homework; they can add something or delete something. Teacher can set deadline for homework; they can grade their students from this system.  Another module is chat module. The system allows participants to chat in real time, or on a specific topic of discussion. Participants can send audio files to each other. And also, there are database module, dictionary module, lesson module, quiz module, questionnaire module and wiki module. Briefly, a successful and very useful system in every sense. It is a facilitating and customizable system for both students and teachers.

If you want to try this system, there is the link of MOODLEhttps://moodle.org/?lang=tr

See you next time. 👌🙋

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